Yummy Lunch Plate Salad Meal

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How are the restaurant lunch plate specials near where you live or work? Perhaps you are lucky, and they are delicious and nutritious – and inexpensive too. But perhaps not, and perhaps not very nutritious or healthy especially. It’s a shame, and missed opportunity, since lunch and other meals that have all these qualities are easy to make and serve, when we eat the HumanaNatura way and follow HumanaNatura’s OurPlate healthy eating guidelines. Our example HumanaNatura Salad Meal offers a case in point, and is one you or your local lunch spot could easily imitate and do variations on.

Today’s HumanaNatura sample meal is from NaturaLife contributor Erin Murray. It begins with a grilled and lightly seasoned grass-fed beef patty, which could also be steamed (see our Cooking With Steam Overview for guidance if you are new to food steaming). Accompanying this protein portion of the meal, and notably comprising the majority of the meal by volume, is a salad of greenleaf lettuce and tomatoes (dressed to taste), a small bundle of carrot strips, a warm riced cauliflower and broccoli mix, a bit of sliced apple, and a spoonful of sauerkraut to spice things up and as an added probiotic. A delicious, diverse, and very healthy lunch plate, and one that is quick to prepare too. Your order’s up!

Learn more about creating naturally delicious and optimally nutritious meals like this via OurPlate, HumanaNatura’s simple natural eating guide for designing optimally healthy modern meals. Experience how this science-based and 100% natural approach to our daily meals can change the way you eat, feel, and live. Sharpen your skills at making delicious and naturally healthy Salad Meals via our Salad Meal Overview. And explore the science and key principles of optimal Natural Eating through HumanaNatura’s comprehensive Personal Health Program.

Once you have begun eating the HumanaNatura way, you can explore your many opportunities for new, more natural, and healthier life between meals – via HumanaNatura’s comprehensive four-part system for modern natural life and health. Check out the overview of our health techniques and programs at Welcome.

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Progressive Life At The Equinox

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Greetings from HumanaNatura at the equinox! In the natural year, we are now halfway between the extremes of light and darkness of the summer and winter solstices. Everywhere on earth, there is equal day and night, and a natural balance or centering that touches many aspects of life – and can aid and inform us all.

A Moment in the Everchanging Light and Rhythm of the Natural Year

In the HumanaNatura natural health system, and as explained in our Mastering The Natural Year graphic and post, we encourage review and renewal of our Natural Life Plans during the twice-yearly times of natural balance that are the equinoxes. This includes making changes to our existing plans as needed, and considering anew what progressive natural life and health mean for us, as we look back and ahead in our lives.

If you have not yet created a Natural Life Plan to guide your use and expression of the third HumanaNatura technique, Natural Living, our links will take you to our planning worksheets and seven-step planning process. Together, these resources will help you to begin more intentionally health-centered and naturally progressive life in the days and weeks ahead.

Our newest member newsletter was released today as well, which is published eight times yearly in harmony with the key milestones of the natural year, providing updates on HumanaNatura’s resources, programs, and worldwide health campaigns. To receive future HumanaNatura newsletters or learn more about our global practitioner-advocate network, go to Join HumanaNatura.

Tell others about HumanaNatura…give the gift of modern natural life!