Healthy Thanksgiving Salad Meal

OurPlate Score: 10/10                                 Follow Us On Facebook

With the U.S. Thanksgiving holiday upon us, and other seasonal holidays just around the corner in many other countries, we thought this would be a great time to highlight that holiday eating and healthy eating do not have to be at odds with one another.

This is especially true when making holiday meals the HumanaNatura way and following HumanaNatura’s OurPlate healthy eating guidelines. All that’s really required is to eliminate especially unhealthy traditional foods, keep the healthier ones, and then combine them with a few renaturalizing foods to create delicious, optimally nutritious, and memorable holiday salad meals.


Our example HumanaNatura salad meal shows how this can be done, using traditional North American Thanksgiving foods as a case in point. First, we’ve eliminated the most unhealthy ones, including carbohydrate-rich, and both body and soil-degrading, annual staple plant foods made from grains, beans, and starches. And we’ve of course passed on all sugary deserts and sweets, for the same reasons.

Next, we’ve kept several popular, personally and ecologically healthy Thanksgiving foods – including sliced turkey breast, carrots, olives, pecans, and even a bit of cranberry sauce – and combined them with chopped romaine lettuce, sliced grape tomatoes, diced cucumber, a bit of red onion, and sliced avocado.

This slightly super-sized, at-once warm and cool salad meal is dressed with olive oil and white wine vinegar. It’s then garnished with paprika, parsley, and black pepper, and served to waiting guests without delay. As you can see, the result is a healthy, attractive, and satisfying holiday meal that should leave no one wanting!

You can learn more about creating naturally delicious and optimally nutritious meals via OurPlate, HumanaNatura’s natural eating guide and meal rating tool. As you explore the HumanaNatura approach, you will quickly experience how this science-based and 100% natural model for our daily meals can change the way you eat, feel, and live – and help our environment – at holidays and throughout the year.

To learn even more, check out the Natural Eating section of HumanaNatura’s free and comprehensive Personal Health Program.

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Food Ecology: Earth, Wind & Fire

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By Mark Lundegren

mark-2As I have discussed in several of our recent member newsletters, HumanaNatura is in the midst of a broad but important change to our programs, one that will place greater emphasis on the ecological or Permaculture benefits of our science-based system for modern natural life and health.

To begin to introduce these ideas beyond our member community – and in advance of changes to our online programs and a series of related Natural Truth posts beginning in 2015 – I’d like to discuss a crucial way the HumanaNatura natural health system is better for the environment, and not just for us and our communities.

Earth Wind Fire

Any Dietary Model Can Be Assessed Via It’s Earth, Wind & Fire Impacts

The area I want to focus on today is the important environmental benefits of our nutritional recommendations, or technique of Natural Eating, which are encapsulated in HumanaNatura’s OurPlate healthy eating guide.

You can click OurPlate Graphic to understand the general dietary approach we recommend, which is intended as a modern, science-based re-interpretation and refinement of our original hunter-gatherer diet in nature. You will notice that the OurPlate model encourages our avoidance of many agricultural age foods, including carbohydrate-rich grains, beans, and starchy root plants. In addition, the approach makes no room for industrial foods of all kinds. Continue reading “Food Ecology: Earth, Wind & Fire”

Making Cross-Quarter Progress

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Greetings from HumanaNatura at the cross-quarter! In the natural year, we are now halfway between the more naturally balanced time of the recent equinox and the more extreme time of the coming solstice.

A Moment in the Everchanging Light and Rhythm of the Natural Year

In the HumanaNatura natural health system, and as explained in our Mastering The Natural Year graphic and post, we encourage extra progress on our Natural Life Plans around each cross-quarter. At the solstice-nearing cross-quarter, this is so we have adequate completed actions and learning at the solstice – in another six weeks or eighth of a year – when HumanaNatura encourages celebration of our lives and successes.

If you have not yet created a Natural Life Plan to guide your use and expression of the third HumanaNatura technique, Natural Living, our links will take you to our planning worksheets and seven-step planning process. Together, these resources will help you begin more intentionally health-centered and naturally progressive life in the days and weeks ahead.

Our newest member newsletter was released today as well, which is published eight times yearly in harmony with the natural year, providing updates on HumanaNatura’s resources, programs, and worldwide health campaigns. To receive future HumanaNatura newsletters or learn more about our global practitioner-advocate network, go to Join HumanaNatura.

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Healthy Fats & Oils Salad Meal

OurPlate Score: 10/10                                   Follow & Network on Facebook

While it is true that HumanaNatura advocates great care with carbohydrate-rich foods – and even the elimination of grains, beans and significant starches from our diet – this does not mean we are indifferent to fat consumption. In fact, since fats and oils will typically constitute about 50 percent of our daily calories when making meals the HumanaNatura way and following HumanaNatura’s OurPlate healthy eating guidelines, care with fats is especially important.


Our guidelines for fats can be quickly, if roughly, summarized as a three-step process: 1) avoid all dangerous fats, such as trans fats and fats in foods containing nitrates, 2) reduce less desirable fats, especially ones from red meats and eggs, and by favoring lean fish and poultry (as well as leaner and more eco-friendly red meats from grass-fed animals), and 3) ensuring that the majority of our fat (and thus a significant part of our protein) comes from vegetable sources, such as olive oil, avocados, nuts, and seeds

Today’s HumanaNatura salad meal shows that attention to our fat levels and types needn’t be a chore, and in fact can be quite easy and delicious. The meal was made in less than 10 minutes, and features a sautéed salmon kabob with mixed greens, diced cucumbers, grape tomatoes, and sliced avocado. It is dressed simply with olive oil and white wine vinegar, and garnished almost as simply with lemon-pepper, a dash or two of Cajun powder, and parsley. Fast, delicious, and rich in healthy fats and oils…as always, when we prepare our meals the HumanaNatura way.

Learn more about creating naturally delicious and optimally nutritious meals via OurPlate, HumanaNatura’s simple optimal eating guide and meal rating tool. And experience how this science-based and 100% natural approach to our daily meals can change the way you eat, feel, and live. Perfect your skills at making delicious and naturally healthy salad meals that follow the OurPlate guidelines via the Meals tab above, our popular article Perfect Salad Meals, or the Natural Eating section of our comprehensive Personal Health Program.

Once you have begun eating the HumanaNatura way, you can explore your many opportunities for new, more natural, and healthier life between meals – via HumanaNatura’s complete and naturally open-ended system for lifelong and lifewide health and fitness. Check out an overview of our health programs at The Four HumanaNatura Techniques.

Tell others about HumanaNatura…create new life and health!