Turkey Breast Salad Meal!

OurPlate Score: 10                                                  Like Us on Facebook

Eating optimally the HumanaNatura  way and using HumanaNatura’s OurPlate guidelines is a joy, every day and every meal of the year. This yummy salad meal is easy on the eyes and palate, follows our best science about healthy nutrition, and takes just minutes to prepare. It starts with a turkey breast lightly sautéed with finely-chopped veggies, which is then combined with a generous bed of arugula, julienne cucumber, slivered celery, and quartered grape tomatoes. This lean protein and extra healthy mix needs little else and is garnished simply with pistachios, parsley, tarragon, coriander, and black pepper. Delicious, attractive, and satisfying anytime!

Learn more about creating naturally delicious and optimally nutritious meals through OurPlate, HumanaNatura’s simple healthy eating guide and meal rating tool, and experience how this science-based and 100% natural approach to daily meals can change the way you eat, feel, and live. Perfect your skills at making delicious and naturally healthy salad meals that follow the OurPlate guidelines via the Meals tab above, our popular article Perfect Salad Meals, or the Natural Eating section of our comprehensive Personal Health Program.

Once you have begun eating the HumanaNatura way, you can explore your many opportunities for new, more natural, and healthier life between meals – via HumanaNatura’s complete and naturally open-ended system for lifelong and lifewide health and fitness. Check out an overview of our health programs at The Four HumanaNatura Techniques.

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Making Health Science Simple

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All of us live in modern times, but are from ancient ones. We are billions of years in the making, and have long-evolved natural needs and capacities that lead to and ensure our natural health and fulfilling life. When we live in harmony with our ancient nature today, our health and well-being increase. But when we live contrary to this nature – as we often do in our time for a variety of reasons – our health and quality of life reliably regress, as does that of the people we influence.

Through science, we now know that our natural health is really that straightforward in practice, implying a needed new synthesis of natural and modern life in many areas. We also know that we now have the opportunity in our science-rich times to expand upon and greatly progress our original natural health and vitality. Unfortunately, the science underlying our natural health and its new modern potential can be involved and complex.

An optimal modern natural diet explained simply via OurPlate

Unless we find ways to make key health principles simple and clear to everyone, many of us (and thus all of us) will live with lowered levels of health and quality of life than is possible in the modern age.

Continue reading “Making Health Science Simple”

World’s Healthiest Cupcakes!

OurPlate Score: 8

There’s not much you can say about most cupcakes that is good from a health standpoint. After all, almost every ingredient that goes into them is unhealthy – carbohydrate and lectin-rich grains, health-destroying sugars, and artery-clogging fats. Cupcakes are small and cute of course, qualities that naturally minimize the amount of unhealthy food involved. But these qualities also prove extra-stimulating to our brains and make cupcakes harder for us to resist. To make this familiar modern food healthy, we really need to throw out all the ingredients and start from scratch, but can keep their appealing form and even use this appeal to encourage healthier snacking.

This  HumanaNatura variation on traditional cupcakes is a far healthier alternative, but keeps their appealing smallness and cuteness. Our “World’s Healthiest Cupcakes” begin with a base of chopped greens and then add an appetizing mix of natural foods and tastes, in this case parboiled broccoli bits, a small wedge of cucumber, a sliver or two of red onion, a few blueberries and pearl tomatoes, and a bit of chopped dates. The cupcakes are lightly dressed and finished with parsley, paprika, coriander, and black pepper. Have one anytime. Seconds or thirds? Sure, why not!

Learn more about creating naturally delicious and optimally nutritious meals through OurPlate, HumanaNatura’s simple healthy eating guide and meal rating tool, and experience how this science-based and 100% natural approach to daily meals can change the way you eat, feel, and live. Perfect your skills at making delicious and naturally healthy salad meals that follow the OurPlate guidelines via the Meals tab above, our popular article Perfect Salad Meals, or the Natural Eating section of our comprehensive Personal Health Program.

Once you have begun eating the HumanaNatura way, you can explore your many opportunities for new, more natural, and healthier life between meals – via HumanaNatura’s complete and naturally open-ended system for lifelong and lifewide health and fitness. Check out an overview of our health programs at The Four HumanaNatura Techniques.

Tell others about HumanaNatura…encourage healthy new life!

Spicy Sliced Pork Salad Meal!

OurPlate Score: 10

Eating optimally the HumanaNatura  way and using HumanaNatura’s OurPlate guidelines couldn’t be easier. This delicious salad meal took minutes to prepare, uses simple ingredients, reflects our best science about healthy nutrition, and is a joy to serve and have at mealtime.

It begins with a cold-sliced and then gently re-warmed fillet of pork, one that was previously pan-cooked with red and black pepper, turmeric, ginger, and finely diced onion. This lean and spicy protein is combined with a generous bed of arugula, diced cucumber, orange wedges, quartered grape tomatoes, and just a bit of thinly sliced raw red onion. It’s a rich combination of tastes that is garnished simply with pistachios, parsley, coriander, and black pepper. A fast, attractive, satisfying, and extra healthy meal – enjoy!

Learn more about creating naturally delicious and optimally nutritious meals through OurPlate, HumanaNatura’s simple healthy eating guide and meal rating tool, and experience how this science-based and 100% natural approach to daily meals can change the way you eat, feel, and live. Perfect your skills at making delicious and naturally healthy salad meals that follow the OurPlate guidelines via the Meals tab above, our popular article Perfect Salad Meals, or the Natural Eating section of our comprehensive Personal Health Program.

Once you have begun eating the HumanaNatura way, you can explore your many opportunities for new, more natural, and healthier life between meals – via HumanaNatura’s complete and naturally open-ended system for lifelong and lifewide health and fitness. Check out an overview of our health programs at The Four HumanaNatura Techniques.

Tell others about HumanaNatura…encourage healthy new life!

Healthy Cross-Quarter Greetings!

Greetings from HumanaNatura at the cross-quarter! In the natural year, we are halfway between the relative calm and balance of the last equinox and the more extended and evocative time that is the coming solstice.

Right now, it is a great time to make added progress on your Natural Life Plan, so that you can celebrate your life and health successes as fully as possible when the solstice arrives.

If you have not yet created a Natural Life Plan – guiding your use and expression of the third HumanaNatura technique of Natural Living – the links we have provided will take you to our planning worksheets and seven-step planning process. Together, these resources will help you begin more intentionally health-centered and progressive life in the days and weeks ahead.

Our newest community newsletter was released today as well, which is published eight times yearly in harmony with the natural year. To receive future HumanaNatura newsletters and learn about the benefits of membership in our global practitioner-activist network, go to Join HumanaNatura.

Tell your friends about HumanaNatura…promote new life and health!